Daring Adventist.com

February 8, 2012

One ring to rule them all


Jesus did not come in 1844. He did not enter the Most Holy Place of the temple in heaven at that time. He is not conducting an investigative judgment. And during His time on earth He did not endorse or re-institute the Sabbath. Jesus ended  the religion of temple and Sabbath and began the era of life in Himself.

God’s command to all to day is ‘Believe My Son.’ The testimony of Jesus is, ‘I am your life.’

Our ability to be ‘alive’ depends on what lives at the core of our being. That which is in our heart eventually reveals itself in soul and body. Is it Jesus or is it the law? The difference between SDA praise and worship singers and the rest is astonishing. I’ve seen singers in non-Adventist churches minister with faces aglow with joy and freedom. Yet Adventists singing the same song are covered in a veil of inhibition. Why? The face cannot hide what is in the heart.

Contrary to what many believe, Jesus did not keep the law or live from its constructs. Jesus lived in His Father and from His position as the Father’s Son. Jesus and His Father were one as Adam and the Father were not. In this way Jesus transcended the law of Moses but He did not keep it or endorse it.

Jesus accomplished everything intended by His Father. He saved the people from their sin, rejoined the human race to the Father and instituted the New and Living Way – the way in which the Spirit of Christ imparts the life of Jesus into the hearts of people. In doing so, Jesus as the life-giving Spirit re=establishes the ancient path or ancient way in which the law of the spirit of life is restored to the world. Living in the law we may be near God but we remain separate from Him. In the Spirit we live in union with God by the One Spirit. We not only sing the son. We are the song.


Keith Allen

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