Daring Adventist.com

About the truth


What if it turned out that the most important assumption you made about your denomination turned out to be a lie? There is something more important than the belief that you have the truth. It is the question: Does the Truth have you? Jesus said that “TRTUH” meaning Himself, sets people free. But if you are living in squares within squares and walls within walls, you are obviously not free. You need to begin asking yourself if you are living in Jesus or in something less than God.

Truth is a Person. Genuine Christianity is also a Person. And those who are real persons are sons of God who live in God’s Son.

We have a choice. We can live in law as a child of the slave woman or we can live in Jesus as a son of God.

It would be sad if we had spent our entire life in the fear of being deceived when the core of our doctrine was the real deception. But those who live in Christ don’t live in confusion. They have the light of life.

Keith Allen, May 8, 2011.

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