Daring Adventist.com

January 2, 2012

Where Eagles Dare

Filed under: Alive today,KINGDOM OF GOD — ignitemyspirit @ 11:01 am

We were made to live in God, and be His daughters and sons. Yet many Christians live like chickens when they could fly like eagles. Unless we are living in Jesus; unless He is our life and unless we are part of God as a son is of a father, we are missing most of what we have been resurrected to be: Sons and daughters of God. In the Spirit we are participants in Jesus’ resurrection. Jesus is life in Himself and we are alive and functioning as sons and daughters of God to the extent that we are one with Jesus.

We have an inheritance. Our inheritance is that we as Believers are sons and daughters of God, called to exercise the life-giving ministry that Jesus did when He was physically among us. Now He is spiritually among us, manifest in our flesh as HIS BODY. The inheritance and mandate of every believer is to multiply today what Jesus began. Just as Jesus healed sick bodies so we are called to heal the earth, society and the nations. This is not a self-reliant work. It is Christ through us as us. This is the Kingdom of God.

We are not meant to live robbed. We don’t have to live as an ox when we are a son of God

The grace of Jesus covers the ignorance of Believers. But it is not meant to sustain them in it, but draw us ever more fully into Christ from glory to glory. Jesus did not allow Himself to be nailed to the cross to in order to sustain even the smallest amount of captivity. Jesus came to set captives free. His cross multiplies liberty, dignity honour and authority. His cross opened the door for Jesus to live in us and through us by the Spirit. Significantly His Spirit in us is called the SPIRIT OF SONSHIP.

Jesus’ cross is the gate whereby Jesus transforms sons bound in slavery to sons who are His kings and priests in the earth. Because of Jesus’ cross all are at one with God, embraced by His love, privy to His thoughts and representatives of His grace in the world. Because of His Spirit Jesus fills our being with Himself and makes this statement real: In Him we live, move and have our being, or as Paul wrote, ‘I am crucified with Christ, yet I live because Christ lives in me’ Gal 2.20.

Keith Allen

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