Daring Adventist.com

December 29, 2011

Fables Exposed

Filed under: Adventist,Sound Doctrine — ignitemyspirit @ 10:10 am

Noah spoke for many years about the coming flood. Not many listened but he did it anyway out of love and duty. Old Testament prophets declared the words of God to eyes that would not see and ears that refused to hear. Jesus represented the Father and re-introduced the Kingdom of Heaven to earth, ending the regime of the knowledge of good and evil and the power of Satan. Yet few believed, few understood. To the natural mind His life appeared to end in failure. But His resurrection and the multiplication of His authority through Pentecost by the Holy Spirit began a new birth for the world and a new creation for society.

The new creation begins and grows through Christ in you.

Life really is Jesus and it multiplies by the worship of His Name and the multiplication of His deeds. Jesus is life itself and righteousness embodied. His loves brings all people and all things together in Himself.

And this is the plan: At the right time he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ–everything in heaven and on earth’ Eph 1.10 NLT.

‘He is before all things, and in him all things hold together’ Col 1.17 NLT.

Jesus came to draw all men and women to Himself and by doing this to draw us into God, to establish us as members of His Household to reign in the earth. There is no reference point outside the Son of God. He is, and since He is He is “I AM.”

In Jesus you are constantly washed and complete. Jesus is the fullness of the God-head bodily in you by the Spirit. Thus you are indwelt by the law of the Spirit of Life that is written on your heart and which pervades your being. Thus by the Spirit of Christ you are a maturing son/daughter of God. You are no longer a slave of law, to do lists or self-appointed Martha’s. Your place at Christ’s feet enables you to stand in righteousness, speak with discernment and only do what Jesus is doing – because His life is your life and you are His; one of His Representatives in your home, factory or office.

The truth is that Jesus is the truth and your life. He is the Way to the Father and the means whereby you are a daughter or a son. The lie that is Adventism is that Adventism is the way, the truth and the life. The truth about Adventism is that it is a false-christ.  The fate of Adventism is that its cleverly designed fables are soon to be exposed. The salvation of Adventism is repentance and turning to Jesus.

Keith Allen

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