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June 18, 2011

A False Christ produces crippled people

Filed under: Adventist,KINGDOM OF GOD,Sound Doctrine — ignitemyspirit @ 1:30 pm

Can we ever rob people in the name of god [sic]

More than once I have seen young people who have begun to rejoice in the life and freshness of Jesus enter a season of decay. Maybe they have lived and acted in the Spirit with authority and power beyond themselves, only to lose that life in exchange for a numbness of the letter that they have picked up when they have gone to train at law-based institutions. People with great potential to witness for Jesus through His Spirit-life in them can enter institutions of the letter and emerge at the other end like sausages with dead hearts and confused minds. What do I mean?

‘Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit’ John 3.6 NIV.

‘I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable’ 1 Cor 15.50 NIV.

The kingdom of God not only produces love, but power. When a new person comes into the world they come with the expectation that they will be loved, esteemed and valued for themselves and the unique person they are. While they do find degrees of love, they also find that the love that their heart expected to hugged with, is too often not there for them. Their value as a person is siphoned off to meet the needs and lessen the fears of those already struggling in a world of conditional love.

As a result, their heart draws back and their expectations shrink as the heart realizes we are not very much valued for ourselves. We are more often valued to the extent that we make the system work and serve the expectations of others. We become bruised-wounded, perpetrators of conditional love. Many allow their hearts to die in exchange for the love they hope to get from a system. As a result what we become is very much smaller than who we actually are. We wield a very small sword.

The innocent heart sustains wounds, grows scar tissues, fears to love and in its bid to heal its own mortal wound, learns to love conditionally. Such a heart builds a false persona and begins to wound those with whom it interacts. Thus we have the perpetuation of pain, misery and death known as the mystery of iniquity. The self so produced is a lie.

We cannot love ourselves and cannot give love – not unconditionally outside of Jesus, who abolished the law and the system that was against us (Col 2.14) and nailed it to the cross. Jesus abolished the system of conditional acceptance, meaning that He did away with the system of conditional love that is based on the knowledge of good and evil with its laws of sin and death.

‘Having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross’ Col 2.14 NIV.

Unless we can live in love, be loved and love, we cannot become truly alive or truly ourselves. We cannot become who we are which in spirit and truth is to be sons and daughters of God. This is why we must live in and be filled by the Jesus who is the Son of God and not be hostage to some false jesus [sic] that is the lackey of a denomination or who has been patched together by the spirit who lives in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The easiest way to deform people is to get them to surround a christ who is not actually The Christ.

Any person whose being is grounded in the knowledge of good and evil can never be themselves and can never truly love.

To love we need to be absorbed in a Jesus who abolished the law rather than immersed in a false jesus who lives to support the law. The former Jesus is the Son of God. The latter is a false christ and a fabrication made by man to build his own identity and enhance his status. The real Jesus, the Jesus who is the Son of the Father and the son of man has healed our mortal wound. This is the wound that came from our separation from God. This wound can only be healed by God’s unconditional love. Love that has a Name: Jesus Son of God. Only in this name and in this Person can we be loved and be alive.

Entry into the knowledge of good and evil split our hearts. It made us slaves of conditional love. Our love of others came to be based on their value to ourselves. We built walls; walls that kept others out and walls to hide behind. We walled our true selves in and walled God out. Our love of ourselves was based on the extent to which we felt we ‘measured up’ and our hearts came to be filled not with love but with rules and scripts to be followed. This is to say our hearts came to be  divided and filled with stones. But by His Cross and resurrection Jesus took away the stones. Jesus’ death buried the stones. His resurrection abolished such stones forever and began a new life in the Spirit.

‘By abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. [The purpose of Jesus] was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace’ Eph 2.15 NIV.

Jesus heals broken hearts, divided hearts and loveless hearts. It is Jesus Himself who lives in our hearts imparting His life and His ability to love without conditions. It is Jesus in us who is life without limit and who enables us to multiply unlimited life.

Don’t participate in any culture, form of belief or denomination that kills people’s hearts. Have nothing to do with the filling of hearts with the law and gravel of performance. Laws make stony hearts stonier. They can never impart the flesh of human kindness, make a heart of flesh and thus produce the ability to love. Law produces judgment and smothers love. In this age Jesus writes no law of Moses on people’s hearts. This is where He breathes Himself.

‘You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human heart’ 2 Cor 3.3 NIV.

The Person of Jesus is written into your being by the Spirit of Christ. But the theft of your being can be carried out by the flesh of man. Robbery can be institutionalized as religion. Religion can manifest as a false christ. A life in law kills people’s hearts. A religion based on law kills our hearts in the name of God in and the name of a false jesus [sic]. A regime that chops off the arms and legs of its citizens is rightly called an evil regime. A religious system that defaces the image of God in people and which makes men and women far less than they are is no less evil. The real Jesus multiplies sons of God who love as God loves. Never let it be said that we rob God, ourselves and others for the sake of promoting an identity based religion.Why? Such a religion is evil.

Keith Allen, June 18, 2011

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